In this tutorial, you will deploy a Django project or a PocketBase binary (in binary mode) to a Linux server running Ubuntu using the fujin
First, make sure you follow the installation instructions and have the fujin
command available globally in your shell.
Linux Box¶
has no strict requirements on the virtual private server (VPS) you choose, apart from the fact that it must be running a recent version of Ubuntu or a Debian-based system.
I’ve mainly run my tests with various versions of Ubuntu: 20.04, 22.04, and 24.04. Other than that, use the best option for your app or the cheapest option you can find and make sure you
have root access to the server.
Domain name¶
You can get one from popular registrars like namecheap or godaddy. If you just need something to test this tutorial, you can use sslip, which is what I’ll be using here.
If you’ve bought a new domain, create an A record to point to the server IP address.
Python package¶
If you are deploying a binary or self-contained executable, skip to the next section
Project Setup¶
If you are deploying a Python project with fujin
, you need your project to be packaged and ideally have an entry point. We will be using Django as an example here, but the same steps
can be applied to any other Python project, and you can find examples with more frameworks in the examples folder on GitHub.
Let’s start by installing and initializing a simple Django project.
uv tool install django
django-admin startproject bookstore
cd bookstore
uv init --package .
uv add django gunicorn
The uv init --package
command makes your project mostly ready to be used with fujin
. It initializes a packaged application using uv,
meaning the app can be packaged and distributed (e.g: via PyPI) and defines an entry point, which are the two requirements of fujin
This is the content you’ll get in the pyproject.toml file, with the relevant parts highlighted.
2name = "bookstore"
3version = "0.1.0"
4description = "Add your description here"
5readme = "README.md"
6authors = [
7 { name = "Tobi", email = "tobidegnon@proton.me" }
9requires-python = ">=3.12"
10dependencies = [
11 "django>=5.1.3",
12 "gunicorn>=23.0.0",
16bookstore = "bookstore:main"
19requires = ["hatchling"]
20build-backend = "hatchling.build"
The build-system section is what allows us to build our project into a wheel file (Python package format), and the project.scripts defines a CLI entry point for our app.
This means that if our app is installed (either with pip install
or uv tool install
, for example), there will be a bookstore
command available globally on our system to run the project.
If you are installing it in a virtual environment, then there will be a file .venv/bin/bookstore that will run this CLI entry point. This is what fujin
expects internally.
When it deploys your Python project, it sets up and installs a virtual environment in the app directory in a .venv folder and expects this entry point to be able to run
commands with the fujin app exec <command>
Currently, our entry point will run the main function in the src/bookstore/__init__.py file. Let’s change that.
rm -r src
mv manage.py bookstore/__main__.py
We first remove the src folder, as we won’t use that since our Django project will reside in the top-level bookstore folder. I also recommend keeping all your Django code in that folder, including new apps, as this makes things easier for packaging purposes. Then we move the manage.py file to the bookstore folder and rename it to __main__.py. This enables us to do this:
uv run bookstore migrate # equivalent to python manage.py migrate if we kept the manage.py file
Now to finish, update the scripts section in your pyproject.toml file.
bookstore = "bookstore.__main__:main"
Now the CLI that will be installed with your project will do the job of the manage.py file. To test this out, run the following commands:
uv sync # needed because we updated the scripts section
source .venv/bin/activate
bookstore runserver
If you want a Django project with all these prerequisites in place, check out falco.
It also automatically provides a start_app
command that moves the app to the right folder.
fujin init¶
Now that our project is ready, run fujin init
at the root of it.
In a falco project, run fujin init --profile falco
Here’s what you’ll get:
app = "bookstore"
build_command = "uv build && uv pip compile pyproject.toml -o requirements.txt"
distfile = "dist/bookstore-{version}-py3-none-any.whl"
requirements = "requirements.txt"
release_command = "bookstore migrate"
installation_mode = "python-package"
upstream = "unix//run/bookstore.sock"
type = "fujin.proxies.caddy"
web = ".venv/bin/gunicorn bookstore.wsgi:application --bind unix//run/bookstore.sock"
shell = "server exec --appenv -i bash"
user = "root"
domain_name = "bookstore.com"
envfile = ".env.prod"
Update the host section; it should look something like this, but with your server IP:
domain_name = "SERVER_IP.sslip.io"
user = "root"
envfile = ".env.prod"
Make sure to replace SERVER_IP
with the actual IP address of your server.
Create a .env.prod file at the root of your project; it can be an empty file for now. The only requirement is that the file should exist. Update your bookstore/settings.py with the changes below:
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = False
With the current setup, we should already be able to deploy our app with the fujin up
command, but static files won’t work. Let’s make some changes.
Update bookstore/settings.py with the changes below:
118STATIC_URL = "static/"
119STATIC_ROOT = "./staticfiles"
The last line means that when the collectstatic
command is run, the files will be placed in a staticfiles directory in the current directory.
Now let’s update the fujin.toml file to run collectstatic
before the app is started and move these files to the folder where our web server
can read them:
release_command = "bookstore migrate && bookstore collectstatic --no-input && sudo rsync --mkpath -a --delete staticfiles/ /var/www/bookstore/static/"
statics = { "/static/*" = "/var/www/bookstore/static/" }
If your server has a version of rsync that does not have the --mkpath
option, you can update the rsync part to create the folder beforehand:
&& sudo mkdir -p /var/www/bookstore/static/ && sudo rsync -a --delete staticfiles/ /var/www/bookstore/static/"
Now move to the create user section for the next step.
This mode is intended for self-contained executables, for example, with languages like Golang or Rust that can be compiled into a single file that is shipped to the server. You can get a similar feature in Python with tools like pyapp and pex. For this tutorial, we will use pocketbase, a Go backend that can be run as a standalone app.
mkdir pocketbase
cd pocketbase
touch .env.prod
curl -LO https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/releases/download/v0.22.26/pocketbase_0.22.26_linux_amd64.zip
fujin init --profile binary
With the instructions above, we will download a version of Pocketbase to run on Linux from their GitHub release and initialize a new fujin configuration in binary mode. Now update the fujin.toml file with the changes below:
1app = "pocketbase"
2version = "0.22.26"
3build_command = "unzip pocketbase_0.22.26_linux_amd64.zip"
4distfile = "pocketbase"
5release_command = "pocketbase migrate"
6installation_mode = "binary"
9upstream = "localhost:8090"
10type = "fujin.proxies.caddy"
13web = "pocketbase serve --http"
16shell = "server exec --appenv -i bash"
19domain_name = "SERVER_IP.sslip.io"
20user = "root"
21envfile = ".env.prod"
Make sure to replace SERVER_IP with the actual IP address of your server.
Create User¶
Currently, we have the user set to root in our fujin.toml file and fujin
might work with the root user, but I’ve noticed some issues with it, so I highly recommend creating a custom user.
For that, you’ll need the root user with SSH access set up on the server.
Then you’ll run the command fujin server create-user
with the username you want to use. You can, for example, use fujin as the username.
fujin server create-user fujin
This will create a new fujin user on your server, add it to the sudo
group with the option to run all commands without having to type a password, and will
copy the authorized key from the root to your new user so that the SSH setup you made for the root user still works with this new one.
Now update the fujin.toml file with the new user:
domain_name = "SERVER_IP.sslip.io"
user = "fujin"
envfile = ".env.prod"
Now that your project is ready, run the commands below to deploy for the first time:
fujin up
The first time, the process can take a few minutes. At the end of it, you should have a link to your deployed app.
A few notable commands
fujin deploy
You also use the deploy
command when you have changed the fujin
config or exported configs:
fujin app export-config
fujin proxy export-config
and the command you’ll probably be running the most:
fujin redeploy
What about my database?¶
I’m currently using SQLite for my side projects, so this isn’t an issue for me at the moment. That’s why fujin
does not currently assist with databases.
However, you can still SSH into your server and manually install PostgreSQL or any other database or services you need.
I plan to add support for managing additional tools like Redis or databases by declaring containers via the fujin.toml file. These containers will be managed with podman
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